Server to Server
Server-to-server API allows payment acceptance services to be integrated directly, offering fully flexible workflows for frontend and backend processing. This server-to-server integration variant requires you to collect the card data which increases your PCI-compliance scope.
Common Payment API
Preauthorization (PA)
A PA is created by sending a POST request over HTTPS to the /v3/payments resource. The request should include all required information such as your authentication credentials, the type of transaction, the amount and the payment information such as card details. A capture may be sent against a successful PA to request that the funds are sent for clearing.
Debit (DB)
A DB is created by sending a POST request over HTTPS to the /v3/payments resource. The request should include all required information such as your authentication credentials, the type of transaction, the amount and the payment information such as card details. A DB request effectively combines a PA and capture request, automatically requesting that the funds are cleared if the authorization was successful.
For a full list of parameters that can be sent in the initial payment request, please see the API Reference
Please note that for a HTTP POST request all the parameters are expected to go into the message body and not into the URL.
Synchronous Response
In a synchronous workflow the payment data is sent directly in the server-to-server initial payment request and the payment is processed straight away. You can send the request parameters server-to-server and receive the payment response synchronously. And you can get asynchronous notification if you provide notificationURL.