Checkout Page
Checkout API
Checkout API is a SAQ-A compliant payment-form solution, making it both secure and simple-to-integrate.
Three simple steps are required to integrate:
- Prepare the checkout Send a server-to-server POST request with required parameters to prepare the payment form.
- Create the payment form Display the payment form on your checkout page, then the shopper could submit the payment information.
- Retrieve the payment status Find out if the payment was successful.
Prepare Checkout
First, perform a server-to-server POST request to prepare the checkout with the required data, including the order type, amount, and currency. The response to a successful request is a JSON string with an id, which is required in the second step to create the payment form.
curl http://host:port/pay/v3/checkouts \
-d "entityId=8a8294174b7ecb28014b9699220015ca" \
-d "entityType=PARTICIPATOR" \
-d " " \
-d "checkoutType=AUTHORIZE" \
-d "checkoutId=274" \
-d "amount=92.00" \
-d "currency=EUR" \
-d "paymentType=DB" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg="
For a full list of parameters that can be sent in the preparing checkout request, please refer to the API Reference.
Please note that all the parameters are expected to go into the message body and not into the URL for a HTTP POST request.