POS Transaction
JSON Format
In Server to Server API specification, we only provide the financial related transaction API.
Transaction API
The following is supported POS transaction and you need to provide POS information with the normal payment APIs.
Transaction type | Reference API Information |
Sale (Purchase) | Payment API |
Pre-authorization | Preauthorization API |
Final authorization | ( Pre-auth Completion) Capture API |
Inquiry | Exchange Rate Inquiry Exchange Rate |
Void | Reversal API (resource type =VOID) |
Reversal | Reversal API |
Refund | Refund API |
Key Exchange | Key Exchange |
Common POS Transaction Flow
Purchase & Pre-authorization
If the terminal or merchant didn’t support dynamic currency conversion , the POS terminal will send the normal payment request with POS information.
- Merchant Insert / Tap /Swipe Card in POS and enter transaction amount
- Send the "Payment" or "Pre-authorization" request with POS information to get authorization
- After approval received and receipt will be printed out in Terminal
Dynamic Currency Conversion Flow
- Merchant Insert / Tap /Swipe Card in POS and enter transaction amount
- Send the "Inquiry exchange rate" request without card track or card chip information to get the billing currency and exchange rate
- Terminal will show the following the currency choice screen to customer including:
- Sale Amount
- Exchange Rate
- Mark-up
- Home Currency Amount
- And give cardholder two choices
- Cardholder will choose transaction currency by pressing 1 or 2. And then terminal will perform authorization to BANK in selected currency.
- After approval received and receipt will be printed out in Terminal
POS Transaction Info
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
pos.encryptedPin.data | Encrypted online PIN data. | AN64[a-zA-Z0-9]64 | Optional |
pos.encryptedTrack1.data | Encrypted Track1 data (TRACK2). | AN128[a-zA-Z0-9]128 | OPtional |
pos.encryptedTrack2.data | Encrypted Track2 data (TRACK2). | AN64[a-zA-Z0-9]64 | Optional |
pos.encryptedTrack3.data | Encrypted Track3 data (TRACK2). | AN128[a-zA-Z0-9]128 | Optional |
pos.encryptedIccData | Additional data returned by the card, including ARQC. | AN512[a-zA-Z0-9]512 | Optional |
pos.location.accuracy | GPS accuracy. | N32[0-9]32 | Optional |
pos.location.latitude | Latitude by GPS. | N12-?[0-9]1[0-9]1.[0-9]-7 | Optional |
pos.location.longitude | Longitude by GPS. | N13-?[0-1]?[0-9]2.[0-9]-7 | Optional |
pos.panSequenceNumber | Sequence number of the card, in case multiple were issued with the same PAN. | N3[0-9] | Optional |
pos.entryMode | What interface was used by the terminal for the transaction. | N2 | Required |
pos.pinEntryCurrent | Indicates if the terminal is currently able to handle PIN. Possible values: 8 PINpad is not operative now | N1 | Required |
pos.transactionSequenceNumber | Sequence number of the transaction, incremented after each transaction by the terminal. | N6[0-9]6 | Optional |
pos.batchNumber | Batch number of the transaction. | N32[0-9]32 | Optional |
pos.localDate | local date on which the transaction takes place at the point of card acceptor location. | N8 YYYYMMDD | Required |
pos.localTime | local time on which the transaction takes place at the point of card acceptor location. | N6 hhmmss | Required |
pos.upiReserved60 | Reserved Private Field 60 of UPI POS | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]128 | Required |
Response parameters:
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
pos.transactionIdentifier | Transaction identifier assigned by the acquirer. | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9]2048 | Optional |
pos.terminalId | Terminal identifier assigned by the acquirer. | AN2048[a-zA-Z0-9]2048 | Optional |
pos.iccDataResponse | Data returned by the issuer that has to be returned to the card, including ARPC. | AN2048[a-zA-Z0-9]2048 | Optional |
pos.statusText | Text that has to be additionally printed on the receipt (instead of approved/declined). | AN2048[a-zA-Z0-9]2048 | Optional |
pos.timestamp | Timestamp of the transaction with the acquirer. | date yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss | Optional |
Inquiry Exchange Rate
Inquiry exchange rate can be initiated with payment request at the same time by sending the inquiryFxRate parameter with a value of true. This is done by sending a POST request to the /payments endpoint.
Request parameters:
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
inquiryFxRate | Inquiry Exchange Rate of DCC transaction | true/false | Required |
curl https://host:port/pay/v3/payments \
-d "entityId= tEntity1" \
-d "entityType=PARTICIPATOR" \
-d "amount=92.00" \
-d "currency=EUR" \
-d "paymentBrand=VISA" \
-d "paymentType=DB" \
-d "card.number=4200000000000000" \
-d "card.holder=Jane Jones" \
-d "card.expiryMonth=05" \
-d "card.expiryYear=2034" \
-d "card.cvv=123" \
-d "inquiryFxRate=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg="
Response parameters:
Parameter | Description | Format |
dcc.amount | Amount in cardholder billing currency | N10.N2[0-9]10(.[0-9]2) |
dcc.currency | The currency code of the cardholder billing currency | A3[A-Z]3 |
dcc.conversionRate | The converion rate of the local currency and cardholder billing curreny If thecardholder billing currency is the same as the transaction currency, the conversion rate will be 1000000. | N8 Fixed length 8 positions; the leftmost decimal indicator denotes the number of positions that the decimal point shall be moved from the right. Example: For data element value "69972522", conversion rate is 9.972522. The leftmost digit must be in the range 0–7. |
dcc.conversionDesc | The english description of the converion rate | AN64[A-Z]64 |
dcc.markup | The markup of the conversion | N10.N2[0-9]10(.[0-9]2) |
dcc.statement | The statement in cardholder receipt | AN255[a-zA-Z0-9_] 255 |
Key Exchange
There are two keys for POS transactions , one is to protect cardholder PIN and the other is to encrypt cardholder sensitive data ( track data and ICC data)
Request parameters:
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
key.algorithm | Indicates the algorithm of key, the possible value is : TDES 、 AES256 | A6 | Mandatory |
curl https://host:port/pay/v3/key/request \
-d "entityId= tEntity1" \
-d "entityType=PARTICIPATOR" \
-d "key.algorithm=TDES" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg="
Response parameters:
Parameter | Description | Format |
key.algorithm | Indicates the algorithm of key, the possible value is : TDES 、 AES256 | A6 |
key.pinKey | PIN key under ZMK | AN48[A-Z0-9]48 |
key.encryptKey | Data encryption key under ZMK | AN48[A-Z0-9]48 |
"description":"Transaction succeeded"
"buildNumber":"5a76591c8e1d872b883720a8d9d82d2bc1ff8199@2020-01-15 07:59:05 +0000",
"timestamp":"2020-01-18 12:51:05.326+0000",
ISO8583 Format
This chapter contains the implementation of the ISO 8583–1987 international message standard for processing POS transaction.
Protocol | HTTPS |
Protocol | HTTPS |
Request Method | POST |
Content-Type | application/json for both request and response |
Encoding | UTF-8 |
Signature Algorithm | SHA256WithRSA |
Others | HTTP Authorization request header: Authorization: Bearer RSA(ISO8583) Sigature is capitalized |
The message from POS to backend is ISO8583 message in HexBinary form.
Sample Request
Request Parameters
Data Field | Data Type | Description |
data | String | ISO8583 message in Hex form |
memberId | String | Member ID pairs with corresponding RSA secret key. For POS : 15-digit Merchant ID For institutions : fixed ID |
requestId | - String | Request ID |
"requestId ":"A000000001",
Sample Response
Response Parameters
Data Field | Data Type | Description |
data | String | ISO8583 message in Hex form |
memberId | String | Member ID pairs with corresponding RSA secret key |
requestId | String | Request ID |
error | String | If any exceptions or errors occur |
Successful response
"requestId ":"A000000001",
Exceptional response
"requestId ":"A000000001",
"error":"Message Format Error"
Non-Financial Transactions
Non-Financial Transaction including sign-on, sign-off, parameter download and batch settlement transactions.
Field Definitions
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 200 | 210 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | 00xxxx | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | ||
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C1 | C2 | C1:This field exists when POS is able to check the expiry date. |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | |||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | C: when POS is able to obtain this value. | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | 00 for Purchase | |
26 | POS PIN Capture Code | n2 | BCD | C | C: when Field 22 indicates PIN entry is supported and card-holder has input PIN | ||
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
35 | Track 2 data | z..37 | LLVAR | BCD | C | When Field 22 indicates card presents and Track 2 information exists, this field | |
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | C | |||
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | |||
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | ||
52 | PIN Data | b64 | BINARY | C | offline PIN verification and present when the card requests online PIN | ||
53 | Security Related Control Information | n16 | BCD | C | C | mandatory when security required | |
54 | Supplementary Amount | An…20 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
55 | IC Card Data | Max. 255 bytes | LLLVAR | Include several sub-Fields | |||
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Purchase Reversal
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 400 | 410 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | The same as original transaction | ||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | C | Filled with original transaction auth code if it exists in the response message of original trans action. | ||
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | M | reversal reason in request message | |
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | original Transaction type | |
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
- a) POS receives no response from POS center within given time. Reversal reason code field should be filled with ‘98’.
- b) POS receives response from POS center within given time but relevant transaction fails because of POS malfunction. Reversal r reason code field should be filled with ’9 6
- c) POS verifies that MAC error in the response message sent by POS center. Reversal reason code field should be filled with ‘A0’
- d) Other situations. Reversal reason code field should be filled with ‘06’.
Purchase Void
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 200 | 210 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | 20XXXX | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | The same as original transaction | ||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | C | C | Filled with original transaction auth code if it exists in the response message of original trans action. | |
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | |||
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | ||
61 | Original Transaction Information | An…016 | LLLVAR | BCD | Original batch no.( 6digits)+ Original STAN (6 digits)+Original Transaction Date(Optional,4digits) | ||
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 100 | 110 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | 03xxxx | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | ||
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
12 | Time | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date,Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C1 | C2 | C1:This field exists when POS is able to check the expiry date. |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | |||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | C: when POS is able to obtain this value. | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | For regular pre-authorization, the value is “06” | |
26 | POS PIN Capture Code | n2 | BCD | C | C: when Field 22 indicates PIN entry is supported and card-holder has input PIN | ||
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
35 | Track 2 data | z..37 | LLVAR | BCD | C | When Field 22 indicates card presents and Track 2 information exists, this field | |
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | C | |||
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | |||
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | ||
52 | PIN Data | b64 | BINARY | C | offline PIN verification and present when the card requests online PIN | ||
53 | Security Related Control Information | n16 | BCD | C | C | mandatory when security required | |
53 | Security Related Control Information | n16 | BCD | C | C | mandatory when security required | |
54 | Supplementary Amount | An…20 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
55 | IC Card Data | Max. 255 bytes | LLLVAR | Include several sub-Fields | |||
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
62 | Reserved | Ans512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Pre-authorization Reversal
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 400 | 410 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | The same as original transaction | ||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | C | Filled with original transaction auth code if it exists in the response message of original trans action. | ||
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | M | reversal reason in request message | |
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | Same as original transaction type | |
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Pre-authorization Void
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 100 | 110 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | 20XXXX | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | The same as original transaction | ||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | M | C | Filled with original transaction auth code | |
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | |||
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
61 | Original Transaction Information | An…016 | LLLVAR | BCD | Original batch no.( 6digits)+ Original STAN (6 digits)+Original Transaction Date(Optional,4digits) | ||
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Pre-authorization Completion
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 200 | 210 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | 00xxxx | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | ||
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C1 | C2 | C1:This field exists when POS is able to check the expiry date. |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | |||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | C: when POS is able to obtain this value. | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | 06 for pre-authorization completion | |
26 | POS PIN Capture Code | n2 | BCD | C | C: when Field 22 indicates PIN entry is supported and card-holder has input PIN | ||
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
35 | Track 2 data | z..37 | LLVAR | BCD | C | When Field 22 indicates card presents and Track 2 information exists, this field | |
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | M | C | The same as original pre auth transaction upon request | |
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | |||
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | ||
52 | PIN Data | b64 | BINARY | C | offline PIN verification and present when the card requests online PIN | ||
53 | Security Related Control Information | n16 | BCD | C | C | mandatory when security required | |
54 | Supplementary Amount | An…20 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
55 | IC Card Data | Max. 255 bytes | LLLVAR | Include several sub-Fields | |||
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
61 | Original Transaction Information | An…016 | LLLVAR | BCD | Original batch no.( 6digits)+ Original STAN (6 digits)+Original Transaction Date(Optional,4digits) | ||
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message | Completion Reversal
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 400 | 410 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | The same as original transaction | ||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | The same as original transaction | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | M | The same as original transaction | ||
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | M | reversal reason in request message | |
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
55 | IC Card Data | Max. 255 bytes | LLLVAR | Include several sub-Fields | C | ||
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | Same as original transaction type | |
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Pre-authorization Completion Void
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 200 | 210 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | 00xxxx | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | ||
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C1 | C2 | C1:This field exists when POS is able to check the expiry date. |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | |||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | C: when POS is able to obtain this value. | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | 06 for pre-authorization completion | |
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | M | C | The same as original pre auth transaction upon request | |
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | |||
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | ||
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
61 | Original Transaction Information | An…016 | LLLVAR | BCD | Original batch no.( 6digits)+ Original STAN (6 digits)+Original Transaction Date(Optional,4digits) | ||
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Refund (RFU)
POS does not support this refund transaction, this interface is reserved and will not be used now.
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 220 | 230 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | 20xxxx | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | ||
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C1 | C2 | C1:This field exists when POS is able to check the expiry date. |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | |||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | C: when POS is able to obtain this value. | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | 00 for Refund | |
26 | POS PIN Capture Code | n2 | BCD | C | C: when Field 22 indicates PIN entry is supported and card-holder has input PIN | ||
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
35 | Track 2 data | z..37 | LLVAR | BCD | C | When Field 22 indicates card presents and Track 2 information exists, this field | |
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | The same as the original transaction upon request | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | C | C | ||
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | |||
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | ||
52 | PIN Data | b64 | BINARY | C | offline PIN verification and present when the card requests online PIN | ||
53 | Security Related Control Information | n16 | BCD | C | C | mandatory when security required | |
55 | IC Card Data | Max. 255 bytes | LLLVAR | Include several sub-Fields | |||
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Balance Inquiry (RFU)
POS does not support this balance inquiry transaction, this interface is reserved and will not be used now.
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 200 | 210 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | 31xxxx | |
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
14 | Expiry Date | n4 | YYMM | BCD | C1 | C2 | C1:This field exists when POS is able to check the expiry date. |
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | |||
23 | Card Sequence No. | n3 | BCD | C | C | C: when POS is able to obtain this value. | |
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | 00 for balance inquiry | |
26 | POS PIN Capture Code | n2 | BCD | C | C: when Field 22 indicates PIN entry is supported and card-holder has input PIN | ||
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
35 | Track 2 data | z..37 | LLVAR | BCD | C | When Field 22 indicates card presents and Track 2 information exists, this field | |
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
38 | Auth Code | an6 | ASCII | C | |||
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | |||
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | ||
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | ||
52 | PIN Data | b64 | BINARY | C | offline PIN verification and present when the card requests online PIN | ||
53 | Security Related Control Information | n16 | BCD | C | C | mandatory when security required | |
54 | Additional Amounts | An…040 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | mandatory when Field 39 is ‘00’ | |
55 | IC Card Data | Max. 255 bytes | LLLVAR | Include several sub-Fields | |||
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Transaction Result Inquiry Message
The transaction result inquiry message is used to get the status of the void/reversal transactions when the void/reversal transaction times out. The transaction result inquiry cannot be used for inquiring the status of purchase / pre-auth transactions.
Field | Field Definition | Attribute | Format | Type | Request | Response | Note |
Message Type | n4 | BCD | 200 | 210 | MSG-TYPE-ID | ||
bit map | B64 | BINARY | M | M | BIT MAP | ||
2 | PAN | n..19 | LLVAR | BCD | C | M | |
3 | Processing Code | n6 | BCD | M | M | 31XXXX | |
4 | Amount, Transaction | n12 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
11 | System Trace Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
12 | Time Local | n6 | hhmmss | BCD | M | ||
13 | Date Local | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
15 | Settlement Date | n4 | MMDD | BCD | M | ||
22 | POS Entry Mode | n3 | BCD | M | The same as original transaction | ||
25 | POS Condition Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | 20 | |
32 | Acquiring Institution ID | n..11 | LLVAR | BCD | M | ||
37 | Retrieval Ref. No. | an12 | ASCII | M | POS center system trace number | ||
39 | Response Code | an2 | ASCII | M | “92” means there’s no response of original transaction and please resend request after 10 seconds | ||
41 | Card Acceptor Terminal ID | ans8 | ASCII | M | M | terminal code | |
42 | Card Acceptor ID | ans15 | ASCII | M | M | merchant code | |
44 | Additional Response | ans..25 | LLVAR | ASCII | C | Bytes 58 and 59 are the response code of the original transaction | |
49 | Currency Code Of Transaction | an3 | ASCII | M | M | The same as original transaction | |
59 | Device Information | ans..128 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | Brand ID (6 chars) +Terminal Type (2 digits)+ Terminal Model (20 chars)+ Terminal serial number (50 chars) | |
60 | Reserved | n…011 | LLLVAR | BCD | M | M | |
60.1 | Transaction Type Code | n2 | BCD | M | M | 1 | |
60.2 | Batch Number | n6 | BCD | M | M | ||
60.3 | Network Administration Code | n3 | BCD | C | C | This Field only appears when following sub-Field exists. Fill with default value 000 | |
60.4 | Terminal Entry Capability | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Fill 5 in this Field for all the above situations. | |
60.5 | IC card Condition Code based on Application | n1 | BCD | C | C | Appear only in IC card transaction, fall back and magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. Filling is subject to actual situation for IC card and fall-back transactions; fill 0 for magnetic stripe card transaction occurring at IC card terminal. | |
61 | Original Transaction Information | An…016 | LLLVAR | BCD | Original batch no.( 6digits)+ Original STAN (6 digits)+Original message type(4 digits)+Original Process Code (6 digits) +Original Transaction Date(Optional,4digits) | ||
62 | Reserved | ans…512 | LLLVAR | ASCII | C | C | |
63 | Reserved | ans...063 | LLLVAR | ASCII | M | ||
64 | MAC | b64 | BINARY | M | C | mandatory when Field 39 as ‘00’ or ‘10’ in response message |
Transaction Type
The following is a list of the elements that identify the transaction type.
Transaction Type | Message Type | Processing Code | POS Condition Code | Transaction Type Code | Whether trigger reversal |
Pre-authorization | 0100/0110 | 03XXXX | 06 | 10 | Yes |
Pre-auth Void | 0100/0110 | 20XXXX | 06 | 11 | No |
Pre-auth completion | 0200/0210 | 00XXXX | 06 | 20 | Yes |
Pre-auth completion Void | 0200/0210 | 20XXXX | 06 | 21 | No |
Purchase | 0200/0210 | 00XXXX | 00 | 22 | Yes |
Purchase Void | 0200/0210 | 20XXXX | 00 | 23 | No |
Transaction Result Inquiry | 0200/0210 | 31XXXX | 20 | 01 | No |
Field Description
Field 3 Processing Code
A processing code is made up of 6 digits number. The first and second digits stand for the transaction type.
1st and 2nd Digit | Description |
00 | Goods And Service |
03 | Preauthorization / Cheque Guarantee (Funds Guaranteed) |
20 | Returns |
The 3rd and 4th digits stand for the type of the account that is debited, inquired and transferred out. The 5th and 6th positions stand for the type of account that is credited and transferred in.
3rd and 5th Digit | Description |
0 | Default |
1 | Saving Account |
2 | Cheque Account |
3 | Credit Facility |
4 | Universal Account number |
5 | Investment Account |
6-7 | Reserved For ISO Use |
8 | Reserved For national Use |
9 | Reserved For Private Use |
Field 44 Additional Response Data
The field is composed of no more than 57-byte of data and 2- byte length value;
When compressed, it is composed of no more than 57 bytes of additional data in ASCII code and 1-byte length value in right justified BCD code.
The unique transaction reference number of EastPay Switch system and unique transaction reference number of Visa/Mastercard is returned in the transaction response message.
desc | |
The format is as follows: Data element length | N2 |
Unique transaction reference number of EastPay Switch | AN9: Unique reference number. POS refund transaction (PR) need to be initiated with this reference number |
Card Scheme Indicator | AN1: V-Visa , M-Mastercard, B-BancNet |
Unique transaction reference number of card scheme | AN15: Unique reference number from card scheme (left justified and the remaining part on the right shall be filled with space) |
System Reference number of SP System | AN32: Unique reference number from SP system (left justified and the remaining part on the right shall be filled with space) |
Response Code of Original Transaction ( Only used in Transaction Result Inquiry Message) | AN2: The response code of the original transaction |
Field 55 ICC Related Data
This field contains integrated circuit card (ICC)-related data that is transmitted from the ICC to the card issuer and from the card issuer to the ICC.
ICC Tags In request:
desc | |
9F26 | Application Cryptogram (AC) |
9F27 | Cryptogram Information Data |
9F10 | Issuer Application Data (IAD) (Mandatory if the corresponding data object [EMV tag 9F10] is provided by the card to the terminal) |
9F37 | Unpredictable Number |
9F36 | Application Transaction Counter |
95 | Terminal Verification Result (TVR) |
9A | Transaction Date |
9C | Transaction Type |
9F02 | Amount Authorized |
5F2A | Transaction Currency Code |
82 | Application Interchange Profile |
9F1A | Terminal Country Code |
9F34 | Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Results |
84 | Dedicated File Name |
9F03 | Amount Other |
5F34 | Application Primary Account Number (PAN) Sequence Number |
9F0A | Application Selection Registered Proprietary Data |
9F35 | Terminal Type |
9F1E | Interface Device (IFD) Serial Number |
9F53 | Transaction Category Code |
9F09 | Application Version Number |
9F41 | Transaction Sequence Counter |
9F6E | Third Party Data |
9F33 | Terminal Capabilities |
9F5B | Issuer Script Results |
ICC data in Response:
desc | |
91 | Issuer Authentication Data (Provides data to be transmitted to the card for issuer authentication.) |
71 | ssuer Script Template 1 |
72 | ssuer Script Template 2 |
9F36 | Application Transaction Counter |
Field 60 Additional Information
The field is self-defined.
Data element length N3
transaction type code N2 -
Batch number N6 -
network management information code N3 -
Reading capability at the terminal N1 -
IC card condition code based on UICS debit / credit standard N160.4 Reading Capabilities at Terminal
Value Description 0
Unknown 2
Magnetic stripe read capability 5
Chip-capable terminal. Contact IC card read capability. Optional to read magnetic stripe card. Cannot read contactless IC card. 6
Chip-capable terminal. Contactless IC card read capability. Optional to read contact IC card and magnetic stripe card. When the value of first two bits in field 22 is 07, 91, 96 or 98, the field value must be 6. 60.5 IC Card Condition Code Based on UICS Debit / Credit Application
Value Description 0
Not used or subsequent sub-field exists 1
Last one was not IC card transaction or was a successful IC card transaction 2
Last one was IC card transaction but failed Note: When the value of field 22 is 02 or 90 and value of 60.4 is 5 and value of 60.5 is 1 or 2, the scenario of fall back occurs. Fall Back could occur in the following situations:
a) The chip card is only able to read information on the magnetic stripe of the card for transaction when there is problem in the card chip, or the chip terminal does not work.
b) Although the card and chip terminal could interact, the terminal is unable to read application in the card. Therefore, the chip card can only read information on the magnetic stripe of the card for transaction.