Result Code
Structure of Result codes
A result code has the format ddd.ddd.dddd, i.e. 3 groups of 3/4-digit numbers. The codes are split into rough groups by the first number, then into more detailed sub-groups by the second number, then into the exact code by the third number.
First 3 digit Number
code | Description |
000 | Transaction succeeded |
100 | EastPay Gateway System error |
800 | Bank / Card Scheme System error |
Middle 3 digit Number
code | Description |
000 | Transaction succeeded |
100 | Authorization |
200 | transaction pending |
300 | Reference Error ( Reference validation failed) |
400 | Authentication ( Token ,Black list , 3D-Seucre , AVS ,CVV2) |
Last Part
The last part is detail error code. If the first 3 digits are 800, then the last part is the response code returned by the bank/card scheme. The last part is usually 2 digits, which is response code returned from the bank/card scheme. It may also be 3 digits and 4 digits, EastPay usually forwards their original response code from the bank/acquirer/3rd Party system.
If integrate with CYBS/MPGS(MIGS) platform, the last 3-digit response code is returned by CYBS or MPGS.
Result Codes
or 000.000.00
Transaction succeeded
Major Result code of Gateway System
code | message |
000.100.000 | Wait for backend result notification |
000.200.000 | Transaction initialized with 3DS |
000.200.100 | Transaction or Checkout initialized (please send Inquiry api to get the final transaction status) |
000.200.300 | Authorization message submitted(please send Inquiry api to get the final transaction status) |
000.400.000 | Risk control instruction transactions must be reviewed |
000.400.100 | Backend instruction transactions must be reviewed |
000.400.200 | Indicates the need for review through a risk control system |
100.200.100 | Backend timed out, please send inquiry API to get final status. |
100.200.200 | Backend exception, please send inquiry API to get final status. |
100.400.152 | Transaction declined by 3DS |
100.400.319 | Transaction declined by fraud control system |
100.400.329 | Transaction declined by other control system |
100.400.300 | Gateway processing timed out |
100.400.400 | Backend timed out |
100.400.500 | Transaction expired |
100.300.203 | Gateway internal error |
100.300.100 | Duplicate transaction |
100.300.201 | Configuration not available |
100.300.404 | Request parameter error |
100.300.302 | Transaction failed |
100.300.303 | Backend status error, please contact support team. |
100.300.304 | Backend returns data validation failure |
100.300.305 | Operation not supported |
100.300.306 | A reverse transaction with pending status already exists |
100.300.307 | Refund limit exceeded |
Card Transaction Response Code
Code | Definition | Action |
000.000.00 | Approval and completed successfully | Approval |
800.100.01 | Refer to card issuer | Declined |
800.100.03 | Invalid merchant | Declined |
800.100.04 | Pick up card (no fraud) | Declined |
800.100.05 | Do not honor | Declined |
800.100.06 | Error | Declined |
800.100.07 | Pick up card, special condition (fraud account) | Declined |
000.000.08 | Honor with ID | Approval |
000.000.09 | Request in progress | Declined |
000.000.10 | Partial Approval | Approval |
800.100.12 | Invalid transaction | Declined |
800.100.13 | Invalid amount or Currency conversion field overflow | Declined |
800.100.14 | Invalid account number (no such number) | Declined |
800.100.15 | No such issuer | Declined |
800.100.19 | Re-enter transaction (Issuer cannot approve at this time, try later) | Declined |
800.100.20 | Invalid response | Declined |
800.100.21 | No action taken | Declined |
800.100.25 | Unable to locate record in file | Declined |
800.100.28 | File is temporarily unavailable forupdate or inquiry | Declined |
800.100.30 | Format Error | Declined |
800.100.31 | Bank not supported by switch | Declined |
800.100.33 | Expired card | Declined |
800.100.34 | Suspended fraud | Declined |
800.100.36 | Ristricted Card | Declined |
800.100.39 | No credit account | Declined |
800.100.40 | Requested function not supported | Declined |
800.100.41 | Lost card, pick up card (fraud account) | Declined |
800.100.42 | No universal account | Declined |
800.100.43 | Stolen card, pick up (fraud account) | Declined |
800.100.46 | Closed account | Declined |
800.100.51 | Not sufficient funds | Declined |
800.100.52 | No checking account | Declined |
800.100.53 | No savings account | Declined |
800.100.54 | Expired card or expiration date missing | Declined |
800.100.55 | PIN incorrect or missing | Declined |
800.100.56 | No card record | Declined |
800.100.57 | Transaction not permitted to cardholder | Declined |
800.100.58 | Transaction not allowed at terminal | Declined |
800.100.59 | Suspected fraud | Declined |
800.100.61 | Exceeds approval amount limit | Declined |
800.100.62 | Restricted card (card invalid in region or country) | Declined |
800.100.63 | Security violation (source not correct issuer) | Declined |
800.100.64 | Transaction does not fulfill AML requirement | Declined |
800.100.65 | Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit | Declined |
800.100.70 | PIN data required | Declined |
800.100.71 | PIN Not Changed | Declined |
800.100.74 | PIN encryption errors | Declined |
800.100.75 | Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded | Declined |
800.100.76 | Invalid account type or Transaction | Declined |
800.100.77 | Invalid card or Account | Declined |
800.100.78 | Blocked, first used or special condition—new cardholder not activated or card is temporarily blocked | Declined |
800.100.79 | Reversed (by switch) | Declined |
800.100.80 | No financial impact (used in reversal responses to declined originals) | Declined |
800.100.81 | Cryptographic error found in PIN | Declined |
800.100.82 | Negative online CAM, dCVV, iCVV, CVV, CAVV, dCVV2, TAVV, or DTVV results | Declined |
800.100.83 | Security Reason Declines | Declined |
800.100.84 | Invalid Authorization Life Cycle | Declined |
000.000.85 | No reason to decline a request for address verification, CVV2 verification, or credit voucher or merchandise return | Approval |
800.100.86 | Cannot verify PIN; for instance, no PVV | Declined |
800.100.88 | Cryptographic failure Decline | Declined |
800.100.89 | (Not approved: free message) | Declined |
800.100.90 | Cutoff is in progress | Declined |
800.100.91 | Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative (STIP not applicable or available for this transaction) | Declined |
800.100.92 | Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing (receiving institution ID invalid) | Declined |
800.100.93 | Transaction cannot be completed-violation of law. | Declined |
800.100.94 | Duplicate transmission. | Declined |
800.100.96 | System malfunction | Declined |
800.100.97 | Invalid Payment Plan | Declined |
800.100.98 | Invalid Payment Times | Declined |
800.100.1A | Additional customer authentication required | Declined |
800.100.6P | Verification data failed | Declined |
800.100.B1 | Surcharge amount not permitted on | Declined |
800.100.N3 | Cash service not available | Declined |
800.100.N4 | Cash request exceeds issuer or approved limit | Declined |
800.100.N7 | Decline for CVV2 failure | Declined |
800.100.N8 | Transaction amount exceeds pre-authorized approval amount | Declined |
800.100.P5 | Denied PIN unblock-PIN change (ATM) | Declined |
800.100.P6 | Denied PIN change-requested PIN unsafe(ATM) | Declined |
800.100.R0 | Stop payment order | Declined |
800.100.R1 | Revocation of authorization order | Declined |
800.100.R2 | Transaction does not qualify for Visa PIN | Declined |
800.100.R3 | Revocation of all authorizations order | Declined |
800.100.125 | Invalid effective date | Declined |
800.100.130 | Additional customer identification required | Declined |
800.100.187 | Incorrect passport number | Declined |
800.100.188 | Incorrect date of birth | Declined |
800.100.189 | Deny - Canceled or Closed Merchant/SE | Declined |
800.100.190 | National ID Mismatch | Declined |
800.100.193 | Invalid Country Code | Declined |
800.100.194 | Invalid Region Code | Declined |