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Result Code

Structure of Result codes

A result code has the format ddd.ddd.dddd, i.e. 3 groups of 3/4-digit numbers. The codes are split into rough groups by the first number, then into more detailed sub-groups by the second number, then into the exact code by the third number.

First 3 digit Number

000Transaction succeeded
100EastPay Gateway System error
800Bank / Card Scheme System error

Middle 3 digit Number

000Transaction succeeded
200transaction pending
300Reference Error ( Reference validation failed)
400Authentication ( Token ,Black list , 3D-Seucre , AVS ,CVV2)

Last Part

The last part is detail error code. If the first 3 digits are 800, then the last part is the response code returned by the bank/card scheme. The last part is usually 2 digits, which is response code returned from the bank/card scheme. It may also be 3 digits and 4 digits, EastPay usually forwards their original response code from the bank/acquirer/3rd Party system.


If integrate with CYBS/MPGS(MIGS) platform, the last 3-digit response code is returned by CYBS or MPGS.

Result Codes

000.000.000 or 000.000.00 Transaction succeeded

Major Result code of Gateway System

000.100.000 Wait for backend result notification
000.200.000 Transaction initialized with 3DS
000.200.100 Transaction or Checkout initialized (please send Inquiry api to get the final transaction status)
000.200.300 Authorization message submitted(please send Inquiry api to get the final transaction status)
000.400.000 Risk control instruction transactions must be reviewed
000.400.100 Backend instruction transactions must be reviewed
000.400.200 Indicates the need for review through a risk control system
100.200.100 Backend timed out, please send inquiry API to get final status.
100.200.200 Backend exception, please send inquiry API to get final status.
100.400.152 Transaction declined by 3DS
100.400.319 Transaction declined by fraud control system
100.400.329 Transaction declined by other control system
100.400.300 Gateway processing timed out
100.400.400 Backend timed out
100.400.500 Transaction expired
100.300.203 Gateway internal error
100.300.100 Duplicate transaction
100.300.201 Configuration not available
100.300.404 Request parameter error
100.300.302 Transaction failed
100.300.303 Backend status error, please contact support team.
100.300.304 Backend returns data validation failure
100.300.305 Operation not supported
100.300.306 A reverse transaction with pending status already exists
100.300.307 Refund limit exceeded

Card Transaction Response Code

000.000.00Approval and completed successfullyApproval
800.100.01Refer to card issuerDeclined
800.100.03Invalid merchantDeclined
800.100.04Pick up card (no fraud)Declined
800.100.05Do not honorDeclined
800.100.07Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)Declined
000.000.08Honor with IDApproval
000.000.09Request in progressDeclined
000.000.10Partial ApprovalApproval
800.100.12Invalid transactionDeclined
800.100.13Invalid amount or Currency conversion field overflowDeclined
800.100.14Invalid account number (no such number)Declined
800.100.15No such issuerDeclined
800.100.19Re-enter transaction (Issuer cannot approve at this time, try later)Declined
800.100.20Invalid responseDeclined
800.100.21No action takenDeclined
800.100.25Unable to locate record in fileDeclined
800.100.28File is temporarily unavailable forupdate or inquiryDeclined
800.100.30Format ErrorDeclined
800.100.31Bank not supported by switchDeclined
800.100.33Expired cardDeclined
800.100.34Suspended fraudDeclined
800.100.36Ristricted CardDeclined
800.100.39No credit accountDeclined
800.100.40Requested function not supportedDeclined
800.100.41Lost card, pick up card (fraud account)Declined
800.100.42No universal accountDeclined
800.100.43Stolen card, pick up (fraud account)Declined
800.100.46Closed accountDeclined
800.100.51Not sufficient fundsDeclined
800.100.52No checking accountDeclined
800.100.53No savings accountDeclined
800.100.54Expired card or expiration date missingDeclined
800.100.55PIN incorrect or missingDeclined
800.100.56No card recordDeclined
800.100.57Transaction not permitted to cardholderDeclined
800.100.58Transaction not allowed at terminalDeclined
800.100.59Suspected fraudDeclined
800.100.61Exceeds approval amount limitDeclined
800.100.62Restricted card (card invalid in region or country)Declined
800.100.63Security violation (source not correct issuer)Declined
800.100.64Transaction does not fulfill AML requirementDeclined
800.100.65Exceeds withdrawal frequency limitDeclined
800.100.70PIN data requiredDeclined
800.100.71PIN Not ChangedDeclined
800.100.74PIN encryption errorsDeclined
800.100.75Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceededDeclined
800.100.76Invalid account type or TransactionDeclined
800.100.77Invalid card or AccountDeclined
800.100.78Blocked, first used or special condition—new cardholder not activated or card is temporarily blockedDeclined
800.100.79Reversed (by switch)Declined
800.100.80No financial impact (used in reversal responses to declined originals)Declined
800.100.81Cryptographic error found in PINDeclined
800.100.82Negative online CAM, dCVV, iCVV, CVV, CAVV, dCVV2, TAVV, or DTVV resultsDeclined
800.100.83Security Reason DeclinesDeclined
800.100.84Invalid Authorization Life CycleDeclined
000.000.85No reason to decline a request for address verification, CVV2 verification, or credit voucher or merchandise returnApproval
800.100.86Cannot verify PIN; for instance, no PVVDeclined
800.100.88Cryptographic failure DeclineDeclined
800.100.89(Not approved: free message)Declined
800.100.90Cutoff is in progressDeclined
800.100.91Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative (STIP not applicable or available for this transaction)Declined
800.100.92Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing (receiving institution ID invalid)Declined
800.100.93Transaction cannot be completed-violation of law.Declined
800.100.94Duplicate transmission.Declined
800.100.96System malfunctionDeclined
800.100.97Invalid Payment PlanDeclined
800.100.98Invalid Payment TimesDeclined
800.100.1AAdditional customer authentication requiredDeclined
800.100.6PVerification data failedDeclined
800.100.B1Surcharge amount not permitted onDeclined
800.100.N3Cash service not availableDeclined
800.100.N4Cash request exceeds issuer or approved limitDeclined
800.100.N7Decline for CVV2 failureDeclined
800.100.N8Transaction amount exceeds pre-authorized approval amountDeclined
800.100.P5Denied PIN unblock-PIN change (ATM)Declined
800.100.P6Denied PIN change-requested PIN unsafe(ATM)Declined
800.100.R0Stop payment orderDeclined
800.100.R1Revocation of authorization orderDeclined
800.100.R2Transaction does not qualify for Visa PINDeclined
800.100.R3Revocation of all authorizations orderDeclined
800.100.125Invalid effective dateDeclined
800.100.130Additional customer identification requiredDeclined
800.100.187Incorrect passport numberDeclined
800.100.188Incorrect date of birthDeclined
800.100.189Deny - Canceled or Closed Merchant/SEDeclined
800.100.190National ID MismatchDeclined
800.100.193Invalid Country CodeDeclined
800.100.194Invalid Region CodeDeclined