Merchant Management
Merchant Application
The merchant data structure holds information about you, the merchant (acceptor). These fields can be used to override the information that is shown on the cardholder statement.
Feild | Required | Format | Description |
---|---|---|---| | Mandatory | N15[0-9]15 | Acquirer-assigned Merchant identifier. | | Mandatory | An75[\s\S]100 | The registration name of the merchant.The merchant’s legal business name. This may differ from the | | Mandatory | AN22[\s\S]22 | The name of the merchant. It will normally make up the first line of the card holder statement. | | Optional | AN100[\s\S]100 | This normally makes up the second line of the card holder statement. |
merchant.street | Mandatory | AN100[\s\S]100 | The location of the merchant outlet where the transaction took place. If the merchant does not operate from a fixed location or is an online merchant, you must provide the details of the merchant’s principle place of business. Principle place of business is defined as the same country as the merchant location (i.e. the operating country). For example, Merchant ABC in India would require an address in India, not the headquarters in the US. Cannot be a PO box. |
merchant.postcode | Mandatory | AN10[A-Za-z0-9-]10 | The postal code or zip code of the merchant | | Mandatory | AN50[a-zA-Z0-9]50 | The city of the merchant |
merchant.state | Mandatory | AN50[a-zA-Z0-9]50 | The county, state or region of the merchant | | Mandatory | A2[A-Za-z]2 | The country of the merchant | | Mandatory | AN25[a-zA-Z0-9+-.]25 | The merchant's phone number. |
merchant.mmcc | Mandatory | AN4[0-9]4 | The merchant's category code ( MasterCard). |
merchant.vmcc | Mandatory | AN4[0-9]4 | The merchant's category code ( Visa). |
merchant.pfId | Mandatory | AN11[\s\S]11 | The Payment Facilitators assigned by Mastercard of the merchant |
merchant.isoId | Optional | AN8[\s\S]8 | The Independent Sales Organization(Mastercard use only) of the merchant |
merchant.submerchantId | Optional | AN15[\s\S]15 | The id of the sub-merchant of the payment facilitator. |
merchant.pfAbbv | Optional | AN7[\s\S]7 | Abbv. name of the payment facilitator |
merchant. nationalTaxIdentificationNumber | Optional | AN14 | The government-assigned number used by the merchant for tax reporting purposes. It is also known as the Business Registration ID |
merchant. locationStreetAddress1 | Optional | AN60[\s\S]60 | The location of the merchant outlet where the transaction took place. If the merchant does not operate from a fixed location or is an online merchant, you must provide the details of the merchant’s principle place of business. Principle place of business is defined as the same country as the merchant location (i.e. the operating country). For example, Merchant ABC in India would require an address in India, not the headquarters in the US. Cannot be a PO box. |
merchant.mcc2 | Optional | UN4[0-9]4 | The acquirer has the option to provide up to 10 MCCs for a particular merchant location; mcc2 to mcc10 fields can be left blank if they do not apply. This is usually applicable to merchant superstores who deal with multiple lines of business. |
merchant.mcc3 | Optional | UN4[0-9]4 | |
merchant.mcc4 | Optional | UN4[0-9]4 | |
merchant.mcc5 | Optional | UN4[0-9]4 | |
merchant.mcc6 | Optional | UN4[0-9]4 | |
merchant.mcc7 | Optional | UN4[0-9]4 | |
merchant.mcc8 | Optional | UN4[0-9]4 | |
merchant.mcc9 | Optional | UN4[0-9]4 | |
merchant.mcc10 | Optional | UN4[0-9]4 | |
merchant.aggregatorID | Conditional | AN8[a-zA-Z0-9]8 | The payment Facilitator ID assigned by Visa to the Payment Facilitator who is processing the merchant's transactions. Required if the merchant processes through a Visa payment facilitator or a marketplace. |
merchant.aggregatorName | Conditional | AN25[a-zA-Z0-9]25 | The name of the aggregator processing this merchant’s payment. Required if Aggregator ID is populated. |
merchant.aggregatorType | Conditional | AN1 | The name of the aggregator processing this merchant’s payment. Value:P Payment Facilitator M Marketplace |
merchant.aggregatorAbbv | Conditional | AN7[a-zA-Z0-9]7 | of the aggregator |
merchant.corporateStatus | Mandatory | UN1 | Identified whether the merchant is a sole proprietor or not. Value: 0 Not a Sole Proprietor 1 Individual/Sole Proprietor |
merchant.corporateName | Optional | AN55[\s\S]100 | The name of the corporation that owns the merchant. This field is applicable if another company owns the merchant in a hierarchical fashion. |
merchant.dateDesigned | Mandatory | UN8 ccyymmdd | The relationship start date when the store (location) was signed up by the acquirer or payment facilitator |
merchant.mvvID | Conditional | AN10[a-fA-F0-9]10 | A unique Merchant Verification Value (MVV) assigned for each Visa SMB merchant |
curl http://host:port/pay/v3/merchant/create \
-d "entityId= tEntity1" \
-d "entityType=PARTICIPATOR" \
-d " 010100215311001" \
-d " Merchant AAA" \
-d "" \
-d "" \
-d "merchant.street= No.111, Merchant Street " \
-d "merchant.postcode=123456" \
-d "" \
-d "merchant.state=shanghai" \
-d "" \
-d "merchant.mmcc=5311" \
-d "merchant.vmcc=5311" \
-d "merchantTransactionId= mer202001021101011230000" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg="
In response , system will generate an access token for the merchant automatically. Merchant administrator can change the token in merchant service portal. Below is a Sample Response:
"description":"Transaction succeeded"
"buildNumber":"5a76591c8e1d872b883720a8d9d82d2bc1ff8199@2020-01-15 07:59:05 +0000",
"timestamp":"2020-01-16 09:01:05.208+0000",
Terminal Application
The POS terminal data structure holds information about POS-terminal.
Feild | Required | Format | Description |
pos.terminalId | Mandatory | AN8[a-zA-Z0-9_]8 | Id assigned by the acquirer. |
pos.merchantId | Mandatory | AN8[a-zA-Z0-9_]8 | Merchant ID to which POS belongs | | Mandatory | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9_]32 | Terminal name assigned by the merchant |
pos.deviceId | Mandatory | N32[0-9]32 | Serial number of the terminal. |
pos.deviceInfo | Mandatory | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9_]32 | Device Info.Possible values:PAX_S800 VERIFONE_E335 .... |
pos.terminalType | Optional | AN32[a-zA-Z0-9_]32 | Terminal Type. Possible values:- POS mPOS DigitalQR WEB |
pos.postcode | Optional | AN10[A-Za-z0-9-]10 | The postal code or zip code of the terminal |
pos.pinEntryCapability | Mandatory | AN1[A-Za-z0-9-]1 | Indicates if the terminal is currently able to handle PIN. Possible values: 0:Unknown 1:Available 2:Not available 3:mPOS software-based PIN 8:PINpad is not operative now |
pos.digitalId | Optional | AN15[A-Za-z0-9-]15 | The digital id assigned by the acquirer |
pos.acctId | Optional | AN15[A-Za-z0-9-]15 | The account id assigned by the acquirer |
curl http://host:port/pay/v3/terminal/create \
-d "entityId= tEntity1" \
-d "entityType=PARTICIPATOR" \
-d "pos.merchantId= 010100215311001" \
-d " Terminal" \
-d "pos.terminalId=12345678" \
-d "pos.terminalType=POS" \
-d "pos.postcode=123456" \
-d "pos.pinEntryCapability=1" \
-d "merchantTransactionId= mer2020010310611220000" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg="
Sample Response:
"description":"Transaction succeeded"
"buildNumber":"5a76591c8e1d872b883720a8d9d82d2bc1ff8199@2020-01-15 07:59:05 +0000",
"timestamp":"2020-01-03 09:01:05.208+0000",
Update Information
Merchant Id and Terminal Id cannot be updated after it created and the other information can be updated with following two APIs.
Update merchant information:
curl http://host:port/pay/v3/merchant/update/010100215311001 \
-d "entityId= tEntity1" \
-d "entityType=PARTICIPATOR" \
-d "merchant.street= No.222, Merchant Street " \
-d "merchant.postcode=222222" \
-d "merchantTransactionId= mer202001051101011230000" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg="
Update terminal information:
curl http://host:port/pay/v3/terminal/update/12345678 \
-d "entityId= tEntity1" \
-d "entityType=PARTICIPATOR" \
-d "pos.pinEntryCapability=2" \
-d "merchantTransactionId= mer2020010310611220000" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg="
3DS Merchant Enrollment
This API is used to manage merchant participation in Mastercard Identity Check on EMV 3DS (3DS2).
Enroll 3DS Merchant
curl http://host:port/pay/v3/merchant/3dsenroll \
-d "entityId= tEntity1" \
-d "entityType=PARTICIPATOR" \
-d " 010100215311001" \
-d "merchantTransactionId= mer202001021101011230000" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg="
Below is an example of response:
"description": "Transaction succeeded"
"buildNumber":"5a76591c8e1d872b883720a8d9d82d2bc1ff8199@2020-01-15 07:59:05 +0000",
"timestamp":"2020-01-18 12:51:05.326+0000",
Delete 3DS Merchant
Feild | Required | Format | Description |
threeDSecure. deleteReason | Conditional(Required only if action is set to "DELETE") | String | Description: Reason to delete the merchant enrolment Values: "Data Entry Error", "Merchant No Longer Participating", "Acquirer Reference ID Change", "Acquirer Primary ICA Change", "Other" |
curl http://host:port/pay/v3/merchant/3dsdelete \
-d "entityId= tEntity1" \
-d "entityType=PARTICIPATOR" \
-d " 010100215311001" \
-d "merchantTransactionId= mer202001021101011230000" \
-d "threeDSecure.deleteReason= TEST" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg="
Below is an example of response:
"description": "Transaction succeeded"
"buildNumber":"5a76591c8e1d872b883720a8d9d82d2bc1ff8199@2020-01-15 07:59:05 +0000",
"timestamp":"2020-01-18 12:51:05.326+0000",
Status Maintenance
Please use status maintenance API to close or terminate the merchant / terminal.
Merchant Status
The possible value of the merchant.status
is the following:
Normal statusCLOSED
Closed by bankBLOCKED
Temporarily StoppedTERMINATED
Voluntarily Closed
If the merchant status is closed or terminated, it is not allowed to set normal status in API.
And there is an optional field merchant.securityStatus and the security status will not affect the transactions.
Fraud detectedIDVERIFIED
ID verified
Merchant is a mandatory field in this API. Below is an sample:
curl --location --request POST 'https://domain/pay/v3/merchant/status' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'entityId=Entity1' \
--data-urlencode 'entityType=PARTICIPATOR' \
--data-urlencode 'merchantTransactionId=a6728948-5be2-4979-ad57-650ce85b64c3' \
--data-urlencode '' \
--data-urlencode 'merchant.status=NORMAL' \
--data-urlencode 'merchant.securityStatus=SUSPECTED'
Terminal Status
Below is the possible value of terminal.status
Update terminal status:
curl --location --request POST 'https://host:port/pay/v3/terminal/status' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'entityId=Entity1' \
--data-urlencode 'entityType=PARTICIPATOR' \
--data-urlencode 'merchantTransactionId=a6728948-5be2-4979-ad57-650ce85b64c3' \
--data-urlencode '' \
--data-urlencode 'pos.terminalId=10200222' \
--data-urlencode 'terminal.status=NORMAL'
Merchant Inquiry
Merchant Information and status Inquiry API. The response will include the merchant information and merchant status (also include 3DS enrolment status)
Terminal Inquiry
Terminal Information and status Inquiry API. The response will include the terminal information and terminal status.