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Reconciliation API

Settlement Summary

Inquiry the settlement summary by date range.

Request Parameters:

startDateStart Date of date rangeN8Required
endDateEnd Date of date rangeN8Required

Response Parameters:

startDateStart Date of date rangeN8Required
endDateEnd Date of date rangeN8Required


curl --location --request POST 'http://host:port/merch-web/download/getSettleSummary' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer NjEwYjcyYzgtZmZkMy00Yw==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'entityId=888880000011111' \
--data-urlencode 'entityType=PARTICIPATOR' \
--data-urlencode 'merchantId=888880000011111' \
--data-urlencode 'startDate=20230210'\
--data-urlencode 'endDate=20230215'

Transaction and Settlement Detail

Inquiry the transaction or settlement detail by date range:

Request Parameters:

reportTypeThe following two value: transaction – transaction detail settlement – settlement detailAN32Required
DateInquiry dateN8Required

Response Parameters:

merchantIdMerchant IDN8Mandatory
merchantDBAMerchant Do Business AsN25Mandatory
merchantOrderIdMerchant Order IDAN(64)Mandatory
backendTransIdBackend Transaction IdAN(64)Mandatory
timestampTransaction TimestampAN(14)Mandatory
transactionTypeTransaction type including purchase, refund, authorization,…etcAN(64)Mandatory
PANPAN( First 6 digits and last 4 digits)AN(19)Mandatory
cardBrandCard BrandAN(8)Optional
transCurrencytransaction CurrencyN(3)Mandatory
transAmounttransaction AmountN(18,2)Mandatory
ARNARN of the transaction, optional for successful transactionN(23)Optional
approvalCodeApproval code/ auth Code from issuerAN(6)Optional
3dsIndOriginal backend unique transaction idAN(1)Optional
riskIndPartial or Full chargeback indicatorAN(1)Optional

Below fields are in settlement detail:

settlementStatusSettlement Status IndicatorAN(1)Mandatory
settlementDateSettlement dateN(8)Mandatory
mdrAmountMerchant discount /fee amountN(18,2)Mandatory
reservedAmountReserved AmountN(18,2)Mandatory
3dsFee3DS transaction feeN(18,2)Mandatory
externalFeeExternal risk platform or external system feeN(18,2)Mandatory
NoteNote of chargeback /merchant adjustmentAN(200)Optional

resourcePath= /merch-web/download/getReport

curl --location --request POST 'http://host:port/merch-web/download/getReport' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer NjEwYjcyYzgtZmZkMy00Yw==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'entityId=888880000011111' \
--data-urlencode 'entityType=PARTICIPATOR' \
--data-urlencode 'merchantId=888880000011111' \
--data-urlencode 'reportType=transaction' \
--data-urlencode 'date=20230106'

Dispute and Chargeback

Inquiry the chargeback transaction by date:

Request Parameters:

dateInquiry dateN8Required

Response Parameters:

merchantIdMerchant IDN8Mandatory
ARNARN of the chargebackN23Mandatory
chargebackDateChargeback DateN8Mandatory
transactionTypeTransaction type including purchase chargeback, refund chargeback , purchase chargeback reversal …etcAN(64)Mandatory
PANPAN( First 6 digits and last 4 digits)AN(19)Mandatory
crdrIndDebit or credit indicator
chargebackCurrencyChargeback CurrencyN(3)Mandatory
chargebackAmountChargeback AmountN(18,2)Mandatory
settlementCurrencySettlement CurrencyN3Mandatory
settlementAmountSettlement AmountN(18,2)Mandatory
reasonCodeChargeback reason codeAN(6)Mandatory
origMerchantOrderIdOriginal merchant order numberAN(64)Optional
origTransactionIdOriginal backend unique transaction idAN(64)Mandatory
partialIndPartial or Full chargeback indicatorMandatory
refundIndVerifi or ethoca or collaboration IndicatorAN(1)Optional
2ndPresentInd2ndpresentment IndicatorAN(1)Optional
compliantStatusCompliant status, if merchant submit compliaintAN(1)Optional
complaintNoteCompliant noteAN(200)Optional

resourcePath= /merch-web/download/getChargeback

curl --location --request POST 'http://host:port/merch-web/download/getChargeback' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer NjEwYjcyYzgtZmZkMy00Yw==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'entityId=888880000011111' \
--data-urlencode 'entityType=PARTICIPATOR' \
--data-urlencode 'merchantId=888880000011111' \
--data-urlencode 'date=20230106'

Reconciliation File

The Reconciliation file is offered to participators or merchants to facilitate their own reconciliation. The report (in the form of a raw data file) provides merchants transaction-level details from acquirer banks or card schemes. The report also includes header, detail, and trailer records (with the total number of records for detail records only).

File Name

The format of file name is "RECONDT+P/T+entity_id(8 digits)+YYYYMMDD+01" . The prefix of the file name is "RECONDT" and "P" means production. The sequence number will always have the value set as ‘01’ since we only have one reconciliation file per day.

File Format

Reconciliation file is a fixed length (257 bytes) file and each detail line represents a transaction.

Header Record

#PositionField NameFormatValue
11-32File NameAN32[a-zA-Z0-9]2048“HRECONDT_300001” Left-justified, trailing spaces.
233-40entityIdAN8Left-justified, trailing spaces.
341-48Settlement DateN8YYYYMMDD
449-255ReservedAN209Filler. Spaces.

Detail Record

#PositionField NameFormatValue
11-1FillerA1Static Value ‘D’
22-33merchantTransactionIdAN32merchant Transaction Id in request. Left-justified, trailing spaces.
334-65IdAN32Backend transaction id in res. Left-justified, trailing spaces.
466--85Transaction TypeAN20Transaction Type
586-104Card BIN and last 4 digitsN19Only 10 digits of Primary Account Number (PAN) Left-justified, trailing spaces.
6105-116Transaction AmountN12Transaction amount. All currency amounts are in the minor unit of currency without a decimal point. Right-justified, leading zeros.
7117-128Reconciliation Amount N12Settlement Amount from acquirer or card scheme(inclusive of fees). Right-justified, leading zeros.
8129-131Transaction CurrencyN3Numeric ISO standard currency code.
9132-134Reconciliation CurrencyN3Numeric ISO standard currency code.
10135-146Transaction Date and TimeN12YYMMDDhhmmss format
11147-161Merchant IDAN15Merchant id assigned by the acquirer
12162-169Terminal IDAN8Terminal id assigned by the acquirer
13170-180Transaction StatusAN11Same format as XXX.XXX.XXX result code
14181-186Approval CodeAN6Approval code in response. And may be spaces for some transactions.
15187-209ARNAN23Acquirer Reference No.
16210-224Network Transaction IdAN15Network Transaction Id. It is a reference number from card scheme.
17225-227Electronic Commerce Security Level IndicatorAN3Electronic commerce indicator representing the security level and cardholder authentication. Zero-filled if blank.
18228-230Advice CodeAN3General category of the Advice message. DE60SE1
19231-236System Trace Audit Number (STAN)N6Number assigned by message originator to uniquely identify a transaction. Right-justified, leading zeros. DE 11 value.
21237-238Point-of-Service (POS) Entry ModeNS2Indicates the method by which the PAN was entered, and where applicable the PIN entry capability of the terminal. 01 –MOTO transaction 81 – E-commerce transaction
20239-240Point-of-Service (POS) Condition CodeNS2Indicates the condition under which the transaction takes place at the point of service. Space-filled if blank. 00 – Card present transaction 08 – MO/TO transaction 59 – E-commerce transaction
21241-244Reason CodeAN4Chargeback Reason Code
22245-254Chargeback Reference IdAN10Chargeback Reference Id
23255-257Product IdentifierA3Card Product Identifier for Mastercard chargeback transactions (not applicable for Visa) Default is space.

Trailer Record

#PositionField NameFormatValue
#PositionField NameFormatValue
11-32File NameAN32[a-zA-Z0-9]2048“TRECON-D-T-30001” Left-justified, trailing spaces.
233-40entityIdAN8Left-justified, trailing spaces.
341-48Settlement DateN8YYYYMMDD
449-60Total RecordsN12Total of detail records only
561-255ReservedAN197Filler. Spaces