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Message Structure

Public Request Header

Request HeaderField NameDescriptionFormatLengthM/ORemark
1Participant ID participantIdIdentifies the financial institution that owns the account for which transactions are to be retrieved from history. This value must represent a valid value defined in the EASTPAY system. The valid values are dependent on the environment and must be at the time the interface is built. A response code of 01 is returned if this value is not present, is blank, or is not defined in the EASTPAY file.String Maximum 15 charactersRequiredassigned by coshine
2Transaction branch tranBranch Transaction branch String Maximum 6 characters Requiredassigned by coshine
3Transaction channel tranChnl Transaction channel String 2 characters Required06 - CMS 07 - WEB 08 - APP 09 - ACS 10 - UMPS
4Transaction code tranCode Transaction code String Maximum 6 characters Optional
5Transaction Date tranDate Transaction date String 8 characters RequiredYYYYMMDD
6Transaction Time tranTime Transaction time String 6 characters RequiredHHMISS
7Transaction serial numbertranId Transaction serial number String Maximum 32 charactersRequired
8Teller ID tellerNo The ID of the teller who initiated the transaction String Maximum 32 charactersOptional
9Terminal ID terminalNo The ID of the terminal which initiated the transaction String Maximum 15 charactersOptional

Public Response Header

Response HeaderField NameDescriptionFormatLengthM/ORemark
1 Participant ID participantIdIdentifies the financial institution that owns the account for which transactions are to be retrieved from history. This value must represent a valid value defined in the EASTPAY system. The valid values are dependent on the environment and must be at the time the interface is built. A response code of 01 is returned if this value is not present, is blank, or is not defined in the EASTPAY file. String Maximum 15 characters Requiredas same as request
2 Transaction branch tranBranch Transaction branch String Maximum 6 characters Requiredas same as request
3 Transaction channel tranChnl Transaction channel String 2 characters Requiredas same as request
4 Transaction code tranCode Transaction code String Maximum 6 characters Optionalas same as request
5 Transaction Date tranDate Transaction date String 8 characters Requiredas same as request
6 Transaction Time tranTime Transaction time String 6 characters Requiredas same as request
7 Transaction serial numbertranId Transaction serial number String Maximum 32 characters Requiredas same as request
8 Teller ID tellerNo The ID of the teller who initiated the transaction String Maximum 32 characters Optionalas same as request
9 Terminal ID terminalNo The ID of the terminal which initiated the transaction String Maximum 15 characters Optionalas same as request
10Response Code responseCode Identifies the success or failure of the web service call. Valid values: 00 No error 01 Invalid participant 02 Invalid card Number 03 Invalid card status (Cancelled or un-activated card ) 04 Invalid card Token 10 Restricted access, no data returned 24 PINblock format error (New PINblock error) 55 Invalid PINblock (PIN verification failed) 99 Unexpected data retrieval error ( Detail reason code please refer to interface spec) String Maximum 2 characters Required
11Response Description responseDesc Response code description String Maximum 120 charactersRequired

Status Code – Message Mapping for Authentication Response

Status CodeStatus MessageDescription
200SuccessMessage call is successful
400Bad RequestMessage verification failed
404Not FoundNot Found
500Internal Server ErrorInternal server error
502Bad GatewayGateway error