This API can be used to create virtual and physical payment cards.
Note: By default, newly created cards are inactive and must be explicitly activated via CardActivation action. Virtual cards can be used instantly after they are created and activated, while physical cards will need to be printed and sent by mail.
Data Element | Field Name | Description | Format | Length | M/O | Remark | |
1 | Card Number | cardNumber | Card Number | String | Maximum 19 characters | Optional | |
2 | Card Flag | cardFlag | V - Virtual/Nonphysical P - Physical | String | Maximum 1 character | Required | |
3 | Card Product Code | cardProdCode | Card Product Code ( Debit Card , Virtual Card , ....) 1000 - Debit Card 2000 - Credit Card | String | Miximum 4 characters | Required | Defined in Back Office |
4 | Card Picture Code | cardPicCode | Card Picture Code | String | Maximum 15 characters | Optional | |
5 | Card Emboss Name | cardEmbossName | Card Emboss Name | String | Maximum 26 characters | Optional | If cardFlag = P and it is real-name card, the field is required. |
6 | CIF Number | customerId | Customer unique ID | String | Maximum 32 characters | Required | Customer CIF number |
7 | Customer ID Type | custIdType | Customer NRIC Type: D: Driver license P: Default Id Type I: National Professional ID card U: Unified Multipurpose ID (UMID) Z: Postal ID V: Voter’s (COMELEC) ID Card S: Social Security System (SSS) T: Tax Identification Number (TIN) O: Others | String | Maximum 1 characters | Required | |
8 | Customer ID Number | custIdNo | Customer NRIC No. | String | Maximum 32 characters | Required | A unique identifier for the customer |
9 | Customer Issuer ID Type | custIssIdType | Customer Issuer ID Type | String | Maximum 1 characters | Optional | |
10 | Customer Issuer ID No. | custIssIdNo | Customer Issuer ID No. | String | Maximum 32 characters | Optional | Customer's real document information, after KYC (if required) |
11 | Customer Name | custName | Customer Name | String | Maximum 120 characters | Optional | |
12 | Customer Enligsh Name | custEngName | Customer English Name | String | Maximum 140 characters | Optional | |
13 | Customer Class | custClass | Customer Class | String | Maximum 4 characters | Optional | Defined in back office |
14 | Customer Mobile Number | custMobile | Customer mobile number | String | Maximum 25 characters | Optional | |
15 | Customer E-mail | custEmail | Customer E-mail | String | Maximum 60 characters | Optional | |
16 | Customer Sex | custSex | Customer Sex | String | Maximum 1 characters | Optional | |
17 | Customer Birthday | custBirthday | Customer Birthday | String | Maximum 8 characters | Optional | |
18 | Country | homeCountry | Country | String | Maximum 20 characters | Conditional | If cardFlag = P, the field is required. |
19 | State/Province | homeState | State/Province | String | Maximum 20 characters | Conditional | If cardFlag = P, the field is required. |
20 | City | homeCity | City | String | Maximum 20 characters | Conditional | If cardFlag = P, the field is required. |
21 | District | homeDistrict | District | String | Maximum 20 characters | Conditional | If cardFlag = P, the field is required. |
22 | Street Name | homeStreetName | Street Name | String | Maximum 20 characters | Conditional | If cardFlag = P, the field is required. |
23 | Building Name | homeBuildingName | Building Name | String | Maximum 6 characters | Optional | |
24 | House Number | homeHouseNo | House Number | String | Maximum 6 characters | Optional | |
25 | Postal Code | homePostalCode | Zip Code | String | Maximum 6 characters | Conditional | If cardFlag = P, the field is required. |
26 | Carrier | carrier | Carrier | String | Maximum 10 characters | Conditional | Thales requested the following information Fixed Value: REGULAR |
27 | Packaging | packaging | Packaging | String | Maximum 10 characters | Conditional | Packaging Option. If no inserts , please use “NOINS” |
28 | Dispatch | dispatch | Dispatch If Bulk Id exists, then “IES_BULK” means batch dispatch.There can only be one delivery address for a batch dispatch, please fill in the above address information correctly | String | Maximum 10 characters | Conditional | For example: IES IES_BULK |
29 | Bulk Id | bulkId | Bulk Id Batch number starting from 01 for each calendar day | String | Maximum 10 characters | Conditional | For example: 01,02,03,04 One batch cannot exceed 2000 cards |
30 | SLA | SLA | SLA | String | Maximum 10 characters | Conditional | SLA with card manufactory Values :D02 |
31 | Logo Front ID | logoFrontID | Logo Front ID | String | Maximum 32 characters | Conditional | If co-brand logos need to be printed on the card face |
32 | Bulk Recipient Name | bulkRecipient | Recipient Name | String | Maximum 60 characters | Conditional | |
31 | Bulk Contact Number | bulkContactNo | Contact information of Recipient Name | String | Maximum 20 characters | Conditional |
Response Header | Field Name | Description | Format | Length | M/O | Remark | |
1 | CIF Number | customerId | Customer unique ID | String | Maximum 32 characters | Required | |
2 | Card Number | cardNumber | Card Number | String | Maximum 19 characters | Required | |
3 | Card Token Number | cardToken | Card Token Number | String | Maximum 19 characters | Required | |
4 | Card Expiry Date | expiryDate | Card Expiry Date | String | YYMM | Required | |
5 | CVV2 | CVV2 | CVV2 | String | Maximum 3 characters | Required |