Getting Started
The Remote API is hosted on your platform and allows us to call you to perform actions on your store of value/wallet e.g. Authorization , Capture transaction , balance inquiry ,etc.
When the cardholder’s account is managed in your system ,the transaction flow will be :
- The card network forward merchant’s authorization message to the EastPay .
- EastPay will validate the authorization.
- If the authorization is valid, EastPay will forward collaborative authorization to your system.
- Your system will valid collaborative authorization request and approves or denies it.
- Your system returns a response to EastPay.
- EastPay will return an authorization response to card scheme based on the response from your system and card network will f orward to merchant.
- EastPay send an authorization notification to your webhook endpoint for validation.
When EastPay gets the clearing file from card schemes, EastPay will continue the following process:
- EastPay will validate the clearing information
- EastPay will send Clearing Request to your system with original authorization transaction id if it is matched in EastPay’s system.
- Your system can valid clearing request and process accordingly.
- Your system send response to our system.
Collaborative Authorization
Collaborative authorization empowers you to approve or decline each transaction in real-time based on your own system
EastPay and your system exchange messages of the following types:
Collaborative authorization requests are actionable messages sent by the EastPay platform to an endpoint on your system referred to as the funding source. These synchronous messages request permission to fund a specific transaction or to answer a balance inquiry.
Collaborative authorization responses are sent by your system to the EastPay in response to a funding request or balance inquiry. Your system must respond to each funding request by approving or denying funding for the associated transaction. Your system must respond to each balance inquiry with the currently available balance for the account. If you deny funding for the associated transaction, your collaborative authorization response can include a descriptive decline reason. In addition, you need to provide your unique transaction reference id for reconciliation purpose.
Collaborative authorization notifications are information messages sent by the EastPay to your webhook endpoint.
Card schemes perform clearing and settlement activities on a scheduled basis. EastPay processes the scheme's clearing files and sends Capture messages to your system, allowing the final transfer of funds for associated transactions.
The responses to capture should be successful and EastPay will not do anything if your system response declined. These transactions can only be viewed in Exception Clearing Transactions in portal.